.. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause Copyright Contributors to the OpenEXR Project. Vec3 #### .. code-block:: #include The ``Vec3`` class template represents a 3D vector, with predefined typedefs for vectors of type ``short``, ``int``, ``int64_t``, ``float``, and ``double``. Note that the integer specializations of ``Vec3`` lack the ``length()`` and ``normalize()`` methods that are present in the ``float`` and ``double`` versions, because the results don't fit into integer quantities. There are also various utility functions that operate on vectors defined in ``ImathVecAlgo.h`` and described in :ref:`Vector Functions `. Individual components of a vector ``V`` may be referenced as either ``V[i]`` or ``V.x``, ``V.y``, ``V.z``. Obviously, the ``[]`` notation is more suited to looping over components, or in cases where a variable determines which coordinate is needed. However, when the coordinate is known, it can be more efficient to directly address the components, such as ``V.y`` rather than ``V[1]``. While both appear to do the same thing (and indeed do generate the same machine operations for ordinary scalar code), when used inside loops that you hope to parallelize (either through compiler auto-vectorization or explicit hints such as ``#pragma omp simd``), the function call and pointer casting of ``operator[]`` can confuse the compiler just enough to prevent vectorization of the loop. Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/Vec3.cpp :language: c++ .. doxygentypedef:: V3s .. doxygentypedef:: V3i .. doxygentypedef:: V3i64 .. doxygentypedef:: V3f .. doxygentypedef:: V3d .. doxygenclass:: Imath::Vec3 :undoc-members: :members: .. doxygenfunction:: operator<<(std::ostream& s, const Vec3& v)