
#include <Imath/ImathMatrix.h>

The Matrix44 class template represents a 4x4 matrix, with predefined typedefs for float and double.

There are also various utility functions that operate on matrices defined in ImathMatrixAlgo.h and described in Matrix Functions.

Individual components of a matrix M may be referenced as either M[j][i] or M.x[j][i]. While the latter is a little awkward, it has an advantage when used in loops that may be auto-vectorized or explicitly vectorized by #pragma omp simd or other such hints, because the function call and pointer casting of operator[] can confuse the compiler just enough to prevent vectorization of the loop, whereas directly addressing the real underlying array (M.x[j][i]) does not.


#include <Imath/ImathMatrix.h>
#include <Imath/ImathMatrixAlgo.h>
#include <cassert>

matrix44_example ()
    Imath::M44f M (Imath::UNINITIALIZED); // uninitialized

    M.makeIdentity ();
    assert (M[0][0] == 1.0f);
    assert (M[0][1] == 0.0f);

    Imath::M44f Minv = M.inverse ();

    Imath::M44f R;
    assert (R == Imath::identity44f);

    R.rotate (Imath::V3f (0.02f, M_PI / 4, 0.0f));

    M = R * M;

    Imath::V3f v3 (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    Imath::V4f v4 (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

    Imath::V3f r3 = v3 * M;
    assert (r3.equalWithAbsError (
        Imath::V3f (0.707107f, 0.0f, -0.7071070f), 1e-6f));

    Imath::V4f r4 = v4 * M;
    assert (r4.equalWithAbsError (
        Imath::V4f (0.707107f, 0.0f, -0.7071070f, 1.0f), 1e-6f));
typedef Matrix44<float> Imath::M44f

4x4 matrix of float

typedef Matrix44<double> Imath::M44d

4x4 matrix of double

template<class T>
class Matrix44

4x4 transformation matrix

Direct access to elements

T x[4][4]

Matrix elements.

Constructors and Assignment

inline constexpr Matrix44(Uninitialized) noexcept


inline constexpr Matrix44() noexcept

Default constructor: initialize to identity 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1.

inline constexpr Matrix44(T a) noexcept

Initialize to scalar constant a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a.

inline constexpr Matrix44(const T a[4][4]) noexcept

Construct from 4x4 array a[0][0] a[0][1] a[0][2] a[0][3] a[1][0] a[1][1] a[1][2] a[1][3] a[2][0] a[2][1] a[2][2] a[2][3] a[3][0] a[3][1] a[3][2] a[3][3].

inline constexpr Matrix44(T a, T b, T c, T d, T e, T f, T g, T h, T i, T j, T k, T l, T m, T n, T o, T p) noexcept

Construct from given scalar values a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p.

inline constexpr Matrix44(Matrix33<T> r, Vec3<T> t) noexcept

Construct from a 3x3 rotation matrix and a translation vector r r r 0 r r r 0 r r r 0 t t t 1.

inline constexpr Matrix44(const Matrix44 &v) noexcept

Copy constructor.

template<class S>
inline explicit constexpr Matrix44(const Matrix44<S> &v) noexcept

Construct from Matrix44 of another base type.

inline constexpr const Matrix44 &operator=(const Matrix44 &v) noexcept

Assignment operator.

inline constexpr const Matrix44 &operator=(T a) noexcept

Assignment from scalar.

~Matrix44() noexcept = default


Compatibility with Sb

inline T *getValue() noexcept

Return a raw pointer to the array of values.

inline const T *getValue() const noexcept

Return a raw pointer to the array of values.

template<class S>
inline void getValue(Matrix44<S> &v) const noexcept

Return the value in v

template<class S>
constexpr Matrix44 &setValue(const Matrix44<S> &v) noexcept

Set the value.

template<class S>
constexpr Matrix44 &setTheMatrix(const Matrix44<S> &v) noexcept

Set the value.

Arithmetic and Comparison

inline constexpr bool operator==(const Matrix44 &v) const noexcept


inline constexpr bool operator!=(const Matrix44 &v) const noexcept


inline constexpr bool equalWithAbsError(const Matrix44<T> &v, T e) const noexcept

Compare two matrices and test if they are “approximately equal”:


True if the coefficients of this and m are the same with an absolute error of no more than e, i.e., for all i, j:

abs (this[i][j] - m[i][j]) <= e

inline constexpr bool equalWithRelError(const Matrix44<T> &v, T e) const noexcept

Compare two matrices and test if they are “approximately equal”:


True if the coefficients of this and m are the same with a relative error of no more than e, i.e., for all i, j:

abs (this[i] - v[i][j]) <= e * abs (this[i][j])

inline constexpr const Matrix44 &operator+=(const Matrix44 &v) noexcept

Component-wise addition.

inline constexpr const Matrix44 &operator+=(T a) noexcept

Component-wise addition.

inline constexpr Matrix44 operator+(const Matrix44 &v) const noexcept

Component-wise addition.

inline constexpr const Matrix44 &operator-=(const Matrix44 &v) noexcept

Component-wise subtraction.

inline constexpr const Matrix44 &operator-=(T a) noexcept

Component-wise subtraction.

inline constexpr Matrix44 operator-(const Matrix44 &v) const noexcept

Component-wise subtraction.

inline constexpr Matrix44 operator-() const noexcept

Component-wise multiplication by -1.

inline constexpr const Matrix44 &negate() noexcept

Component-wise multiplication by -1.

inline constexpr const Matrix44 &operator*=(T a) noexcept

Component-wise multiplication.

inline constexpr Matrix44 operator*(T a) const noexcept

Component-wise multiplication.

inline constexpr const Matrix44 &operator/=(T a) noexcept

Component-wise division.

inline constexpr Matrix44 operator/(T a) const noexcept

Component-wise division.

inline constexpr const Matrix44 &operator*=(const Matrix44 &v) noexcept

Matrix-matrix multiplication.

inline constexpr Matrix44 operator*(const Matrix44 &v) const noexcept

Matrix-matrix multiplication.

template<class S>
inline void multVecMatrix(const Vec3<S> &src, Vec3<S> &dst) const noexcept

Vector-matrix multiplication: a homogeneous transformation by computing Vec3 (src.x, src.y, src.z, 1) * m and dividing by the result’s third element.

  • src[in] The input vector

  • dst[out] The output vector

template<class S>
inline void multDirMatrix(const Vec3<S> &src, Vec3<S> &dst) const noexcept

Vector-matrix multiplication: multiply src by the upper left 2x2 submatrix, ignoring the rest of matrix.

  • src[in] The input vector

  • dst[out] The output vector

static inline void multiply(const Matrix44 &a, const Matrix44 &b, Matrix44 &c) noexcept

Matrix-matrix multiplication: compute c = a * b.

static inline constexpr Matrix44 multiply(const Matrix44 &a, const Matrix44 &b) noexcept

Matrix-matrix multiplication returning a result.


inline void makeIdentity() noexcept

Set to the identity matrix.

inline constexpr const Matrix44 &transpose() noexcept


inline constexpr Matrix44 transposed() const noexcept

Return the transpose.

inline constexpr const Matrix44 &invert(bool singExc)

Invert in place using the determinant.


singExc – If true, throw an exception if the matrix cannot be inverted.


const reference to this

inline constexpr const Matrix44 &invert() noexcept

Invert in place using the determinant.


const reference to this

inline constexpr Matrix44<T> inverse(bool singExc) const

Return the inverse using the determinant, leaving this unmodified.


singExc – If true, throw an exception if the matrix cannot be inverted.

inline constexpr Matrix44<T> inverse() const noexcept

Return the inverse using the determinant, leaving this unmodified.

inline constexpr const Matrix44 &gjInvert(bool singExc)

Invert in place using the Gauss-Jordan method.

Significantly slower but more accurate than invert().


singExc – If true, throw an exception if the matrix cannot be inverted.


const reference to this

inline constexpr const Matrix44 &gjInvert() noexcept

Invert in place using the Gauss-Jordan method.

Significantly slower but more accurate than invert().


const reference to this

inline Matrix44<T> gjInverse(bool singExc) const

Return the inverse using the Gauss-Jordan method, leaving this unmodified.

Significantly slower but more accurate than inverse().

inline Matrix44<T> gjInverse() const noexcept

Return the inverse using the Gauss-Jordan method, leaving this unmodified Significantly slower but more accurate than inverse().

inline constexpr T minorOf(const int r, const int c) const noexcept

Calculate the matrix minor of the (r,c) element.

inline constexpr T fastMinor(const int r0, const int r1, const int r2, const int c0, const int c1, const int c2) const noexcept

Build a minor using the specified rows and columns.

inline constexpr T determinant() const noexcept


inline constexpr T trace() const noexcept


template<class S>
const Matrix44 &setEulerAngles(const Vec3<S> &r) noexcept

Set matrix to rotation by XYZ euler angles (in radians)


const referenced to this

template<class S>
constexpr const Matrix44 &setAxisAngle(const Vec3<S> &ax, S ang) noexcept

Set matrix to rotation around given axis by given angle (in radians)


const referenced to this

template<class S>
const Matrix44 &rotate(const Vec3<S> &r) noexcept

Rotate the matrix by XYZ euler angles in r (in radians)


const referenced to this

inline constexpr const Matrix44 &setScale(T s) noexcept

Set matrix to scale by given uniform factor.


const referenced to this

template<class S>
constexpr const Matrix44 &setScale(const Vec3<S> &s) noexcept

Set matrix to scale by given vector.


const referenced to this

template<class S>
constexpr const Matrix44 &scale(const Vec3<S> &s) noexcept

Scale the matrix by s.


const referenced to this

template<class S>
constexpr const Matrix44 &setTranslation(const Vec3<S> &t) noexcept

Set matrix to translation by given vector.


const referenced to this

inline constexpr const Vec3<T> translation() const noexcept

Return translation component.

template<class S>
constexpr const Matrix44 &translate(const Vec3<S> &t) noexcept

Translate the matrix by t.


const referenced to this

template<class S>
constexpr const Matrix44 &setShear(const Vec3<S> &h) noexcept

Set matrix to shear by given vector h.

The resulting matrix

  • will shear x for each y coord. by a factor of h[0] ;

  • will shear x for each z coord. by a factor of h[1] ;

  • will shear y for each z coord. by a factor of h[2] .


const referenced to this

template<class S>
constexpr const Matrix44 &setShear(const Shear6<S> &h) noexcept

Set matrix to shear by given factors.

The resulting matrix

  • will shear x for each y coord. by a factor of h.xy ;

  • will shear x for each z coord. by a factor of h.xz ;

  • will shear y for each z coord. by a factor of h.yz ;

  • will shear y for each x coord. by a factor of h.yx ;

  • will shear z for each x coord. by a factor of h.zx ;

  • will shear z for each y coord. by a factor of h.zy .


const referenced to this

template<class S>
constexpr const Matrix44 &shear(const Vec3<S> &h) noexcept

Shear the matrix by given vector.

The composed matrix will be shear * this, where the shear matrix …

  • will shear x for each y coord. by a factor of h[0] ;

  • will shear x for each z coord. by a factor of h[1] ;

  • will shear y for each z coord. by a factor of h[2] .


const referenced to this

template<class S>
constexpr const Matrix44 &shear(const Shear6<S> &h) noexcept

Shear the matrix by the given factors.

The composed matrix will be shear * this, where the shear matrix …

  • will shear x for each y coord. by a factor of h.xy ;

  • will shear x for each z coord. by a factor of h.xz ;

  • will shear y for each z coord. by a factor of h.yz ;

  • will shear y for each x coord. by a factor of h.yx ;

  • will shear z for each x coord. by a factor of h.zx ;

  • will shear z for each y coord. by a factor of h.zy .


const referenced to this

Numeric Limits

static inline constexpr T baseTypeLowest() noexcept

Largest possible negative value.

static inline constexpr T baseTypeMax() noexcept

Largest possible positive value.

static inline constexpr T baseTypeSmallest() noexcept

Smallest possible positive value.

static inline constexpr T baseTypeEpsilon() noexcept

Smallest possible e for which 1+e != 1.

Public Types

typedef T BaseType

The base type: In templates that accept a parameter V (could be a Color4), you can refer to T as V::BaseType

typedef Vec4<T> BaseVecType

The base vector type.

Public Functions

inline T *operator[](int i) noexcept

Row access.

inline const T *operator[](int i) const noexcept

Row access.

template<class S>
inline constexpr Matrix44<T> &setValue(const Matrix44<S> &v) noexcept
template<class S>
inline constexpr Matrix44<T> &setTheMatrix(const Matrix44<S> &v) noexcept
template<class S>
inline const Matrix44<T> &setEulerAngles(const Vec3<S> &r) noexcept
template<class S>
inline constexpr const Matrix44<T> &setAxisAngle(const Vec3<S> &axis, S angle) noexcept
template<class S>
inline const Matrix44<T> &rotate(const Vec3<S> &r) noexcept
template<class S>
inline constexpr const Matrix44<T> &setScale(const Vec3<S> &s) noexcept
template<class S>
inline constexpr const Matrix44<T> &scale(const Vec3<S> &s) noexcept
template<class S>
inline constexpr const Matrix44<T> &setTranslation(const Vec3<S> &t) noexcept
template<class S>
inline constexpr const Matrix44<T> &translate(const Vec3<S> &t) noexcept
template<class S>
inline constexpr const Matrix44<T> &setShear(const Vec3<S> &h) noexcept
template<class S>
inline constexpr const Matrix44<T> &setShear(const Shear6<S> &h) noexcept
template<class S>
inline constexpr const Matrix44<T> &shear(const Vec3<S> &h) noexcept
template<class S>
inline constexpr const Matrix44<T> &shear(const Shear6<S> &h) noexcept

Public Static Functions

static inline constexpr unsigned int dimensions() noexcept

Return the number of the row and column dimensions, i.e. 4.

template<class T>
std::ostream &Imath::operator<<(std::ostream &s, const Matrix44<T> &m)

Stream output, as:

(m00 m01 m02 m03
 m10 m11 m12 m13
 m20 m21 m22 m23
 m30 m31 m32 m33)