Frame Functions

Functions to compute coordinate frames.

#include <Imath/ImathFrame.h>
template<class T>
constexpr Matrix44<T> Imath::firstFrame(const Vec3<T> &pi, const Vec3<T> &pj, const Vec3<T> &pk) noexcept

Compute the first reference frame along a curve.

This function returns the transformation matrix to the reference frame defined by the three points pi, pj and pk. Note that if the two vectors <pi,pj> and <pi,pk> are colinears, an arbitrary twist value will be choosen.

Throw std::domain_error if pi and pj are equal.

  • pi – First point

  • pj – Second point

  • pk – Third point

template<class T>
constexpr Matrix44<T> Imath::nextFrame(const Matrix44<T> &Mi, const Vec3<T> &pi, const Vec3<T> &pj, Vec3<T> &ti, Vec3<T> &tj) noexcept

Compute the next reference frame along a curve.

This function returns the transformation matrix to the next reference frame defined by the previously computed transformation matrix and the new point and tangent vector along the curve.

  • Mi – The previous matrix

  • pi – The previous point

  • pj – The current point

  • ti – The previous tangent vector

  • tj – The current tangent vector

template<class T>
constexpr Matrix44<T> Imath::lastFrame(const Matrix44<T> &Mi, const Vec3<T> &pi, const Vec3<T> &pj) noexcept

Compute the last reference frame along a curve.

This function returns the transformation matrix to the last reference frame defined by the previously computed transformation matrix and the last point along the curve.

  • Mi – The previous matrix

  • pi – The previous point

  • pj – The last point