
#include <Imath/ImathVec.h>

The Vec2 class template represents a 2D vector, with predefined typedefs for vectors of type short, int, int64_t, float, and double.

Note that the integer specializations of Vec2 lack the length() and normalize() methods that are present in the float and double versions, because the results don’t fit into integer quantities.

There are also various utility functions that operate on vectors defined in ImathVecAlgo.h and described in Vector Functions.

Individual components of a vector V may be referenced as either V[i] or V.x, V.y. Obviously, the [] notation is more suited to looping over components, or in cases where a variable determines which coordinate is needed. However, when the coordinate is known, it can be more efficient to directly address the components, such as V.y rather than V[1]. While both appear to do the same thing (and indeed do generate the same machine operations for ordinary scalar code), when used inside loops that you hope to parallelize (either through compiler auto-vectorization or explicit hints such as #pragma omp simd), the function call and pointer casting of operator[] can confuse the compiler just enough to prevent vectorization of the loop.


#include <Imath/ImathVec.h>
#include <cassert>

vec2_example ()
    Imath::V2f a (1.0f, 2.0f);
    Imath::V2f b; // b is uninitialized

    b.x = a[0];
    b.y = a[1];

    assert (a == b);

    assert (a.length () == sqrt (a ^ a));

    a.normalize ();
    assert (Imath::equalWithAbsError (a.length (), 1.0f, 1e-6f));
typedef Vec2<short> Imath::V2s

Vec2 of short.

typedef Vec2<int> Imath::V2i

Vec2 of integer.

typedef Vec2<int64_t> Imath::V2i64

Vec2 of int64_t.

typedef Vec2<float> Imath::V2f

Vec2 of float.

typedef Vec2<double> Imath::V2d

Vec2 of double.

template<class T>
class Vec2

2-element vector

Direct access to elements

T x
T y

Constructors and Assignment

inline Vec2() noexcept

Uninitialized by default.

inline explicit constexpr Vec2(T a) noexcept

Initialize to a scalar (a,a)

inline constexpr Vec2(T a, T b) noexcept

Initialize to given elements (a,b)

inline constexpr Vec2(const Vec2 &v) noexcept

Copy constructor.

template<class S>
inline constexpr Vec2(const Vec2<S> &v) noexcept

Construct from Vec2 of another base type.

inline constexpr const Vec2 &operator=(const Vec2 &v) noexcept


~Vec2() noexcept = default


Compatibility with Sb

template<class S>
inline void setValue(S a, S b) noexcept

Set the value.

template<class S>
inline void setValue(const Vec2<S> &v) noexcept

Set the value.

template<class S>
inline void getValue(S &a, S &b) const noexcept

Return the value in a and b

template<class S>
inline void getValue(Vec2<S> &v) const noexcept

Return the value in v

inline T *getValue() noexcept

Return a raw pointer to the array of values.

inline const T *getValue() const noexcept

Return a raw pointer to the array of values.

Arithmetic and Comparison

template<class S>
inline constexpr bool operator==(const Vec2<S> &v) const noexcept


template<class S>
inline constexpr bool operator!=(const Vec2<S> &v) const noexcept


inline constexpr bool equalWithAbsError(const Vec2<T> &v, T e) const noexcept

Compare two matrices and test if they are “approximately equal”:


True if the coefficients of this and m are the same with an absolute error of no more than e, i.e., for all i, j:

abs (this[i][j] - m[i][j]) <= e

inline constexpr bool equalWithRelError(const Vec2<T> &v, T e) const noexcept

Compare two matrices and test if they are “approximately equal”:


True if the coefficients of this and m are the same with a relative error of no more than e, i.e., for all i, j:

abs (this[i] - v[i][j]) <= e * abs (this[i][j])

inline constexpr T dot(const Vec2 &v) const noexcept

Dot product.

inline constexpr T operator^(const Vec2 &v) const noexcept

Dot product.

inline constexpr T cross(const Vec2 &v) const noexcept

Right-handed cross product, i.e.

z component of Vec3 (this->x, this->y, 0) % Vec3 (v.x, v.y, 0)

inline constexpr T operator%(const Vec2 &v) const noexcept

Right-handed cross product, i.e.

z component of Vec3 (this->x, this->y, 0) % Vec3 (v.x, v.y, 0)

inline constexpr const Vec2 &operator+=(const Vec2 &v) noexcept

Component-wise addition.

inline constexpr Vec2 operator+(const Vec2 &v) const noexcept

Component-wise addition.

inline constexpr const Vec2 &operator-=(const Vec2 &v) noexcept

Component-wise subtraction.

inline constexpr Vec2 operator-(const Vec2 &v) const noexcept

Component-wise subtraction.

inline constexpr Vec2 operator-() const noexcept

Component-wise multiplication by -1.

inline constexpr const Vec2 &negate() noexcept

Component-wise multiplication by -1.

inline constexpr const Vec2 &operator*=(const Vec2 &v) noexcept

Component-wise multiplication.

inline constexpr const Vec2 &operator*=(T a) noexcept

Component-wise multiplication.

inline constexpr Vec2 operator*(const Vec2 &v) const noexcept

Component-wise multiplication.

inline constexpr Vec2 operator*(T a) const noexcept

Component-wise multiplication.

inline constexpr const Vec2 &operator/=(const Vec2 &v) noexcept

Component-wise division.

inline constexpr const Vec2 &operator/=(T a) noexcept

Component-wise division.

inline constexpr Vec2 operator/(const Vec2 &v) const noexcept

Component-wise division.

inline constexpr Vec2 operator/(T a) const noexcept

Component-wise division.

Query and Manipulation

inline T length() const noexcept

Return the Euclidean norm.

inline constexpr T length2() const noexcept

Return the square of the Euclidean norm, i.e.

the dot product with itself.

inline const Vec2 &normalize() noexcept

Normalize in place. If length()==0, return a null vector.

inline const Vec2 &normalizeExc()

Normalize in place. If length()==0, throw an exception.

inline const Vec2 &normalizeNonNull() noexcept

Normalize without any checks for length()==0.

Slightly faster than the other normalization routines, but if v.length() is 0.0, the result is undefined.

inline Vec2<T> normalized() const noexcept

Return a normalized vector. Does not modify *this.

inline Vec2<T> normalizedExc() const

Return a normalized vector.

Does not modify *this. Throw an exception if length()==0.

inline Vec2<T> normalizedNonNull() const noexcept

Return a normalized vector.

Does not modify *this, and does not check for length()==0. Slightly faster than the other normalization routines, but if v.length() is 0.0, the result is undefined.

Numeric Limits

static inline constexpr T baseTypeLowest() noexcept

Largest possible negative value.

static inline constexpr T baseTypeMax() noexcept

Largest possible positive value.

static inline constexpr T baseTypeSmallest() noexcept

Smallest possible positive value.

static inline constexpr T baseTypeEpsilon() noexcept

Smallest possible e for which 1+e != 1.

Public Types

typedef T BaseType

The base type: In templates that accept a parameter V, you can refer to T as V::BaseType

Public Functions

inline constexpr T &operator[](int i) noexcept

Element access by index.

inline constexpr const T &operator[](int i) const noexcept

Element access by index.

Public Static Functions

static inline constexpr unsigned int dimensions() noexcept

Return the number of dimensions, i.e. 2.

template<class T>
std::ostream &Imath::operator<<(std::ostream &s, const Vec2<T> &v)

Stream output, as “(x y)”.